Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 15, 2020-Google Meet

Google Meet Updates!
Since it is a short week, here is the schedule for our next Google Meet:
Wednesday, April 15 starting at 1:00 until 1:40 pm. I will send the link to your email 5 minutes prior to our Meet time.

These Grade 5 Math Meets are for you to ask questions, get clarification for your assignments, and I will show or demonstrate some important things regarding the online learning and using Google Classroom.

Google Meet Tips to Remember:
· Find a space so you are focused during the Google Meet
· Remember to MUTE yourself when you enter the classroom.
· Wait for me to call on you to un-mute so only one student talks at one time
· Look into the camera when you are talking
· If you have a question or a comment and it is not your turn to share, type it into the text box to the right of the screen.
· Do not type random texts into the chat feature. Wave to say hello, don’t type it.